I first discovered yoga nearly 10 years ago now when my dad invited me to a yoga class he had been attending, it was love at first class, I instantly fell in love with the practice of different asanas and the challenges they brought along with them and quickly became a daily practitioner.
After years of daily practice I embarked on a 12 week trip to India, specifically Rishikesh, the birthplace of yoga. To complete my teacher training course and practice daily, learning from some of the most knowledgeable and inspirational teachers I've met on my journey.
For me, yoga is about the balance between strength and flexibility, exertion, and releasing. So, my classes combine both strength and mobility work in a dynamic, Vinyasa Flow style. Expect to move, sweat, and breathe. I also love to practice and teach inversions and different arm balancing asanas, which I like to incorporate into my classes showing variations and drills for all levels, whether you are a complete beginner or experienced yogi there's a place for you in my classes.
When I'm not practicing yoga I love to surf, snowboard, hike and ride motorcycles. I'm fun, energetic and super passionate about yoga, looking forward to sharing my energy and practice with you all... see you on the mat!